- Virtual
Cell Home - This is the hompage of the Virtual Cell
Gaming Site.
- Preview
- An introduction to the Virtual Cell.
- Registration
- Sign up to receive an account login and password to play
the game for the first time.
- Login
& Play - Enter your account login & password
to play the game.
- Message
Board - Talk with others about the Virtual Cell,
exchange tips and hints, and ask for help.
- Submarine
Training - A list of what each navigational button does and practice manuevering your submarine in the Virtual Cell.
- Help
- A collection of walkthroughs, tutorials, and FAQ's to help with the Virtual Cell registration, login,
and playing
- Mission
Summaries - Brief yourself on your mission goals
and level objectives.
- Mission
Software - Download all necessary software (such
as Java) that is required to play
the Virtual Cell.
- Feedback
- Send a message to the Virtual Cell development team.
- Site
Map - You're here, a list of links & info about
- Animations Site - In addition to Virtual Cell's online game modules, animations have been developed to introduce students to new concepts. By walking through the still images and movies included for each topic, viewers can easily choose between either studying a specific step from one of the processes or taking a more immersive look at the process in it's entirety.
- Development
Site - For instructors and scientists who want to
learn more about the development process of the Virtual
Homepage - The World Wide Web Instructional Committee
(WWWIC) homepage, learn about other on-going computer visualization
projects at NDSU.